Sunday School
A Warm & Welcoming Place
Every Sunday: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
For young people up to the age of 20
Childcare is provided for those too young to attend Sunday School.
Each Sunday School teacher prayerfully studies the Bible Lesson for the week. Following this study, the teacher prepares a class lesson appropriate to the ages of the children within the class. These lessons emphasize God's allness and goodness and that God is LOVE, itself. From this foundation, the children learn how they can trust and reach out to their Father-Mother God for help in any situation.
The older classes have a friendly and loving environment in which to explore how to apply these principles that Jesus taught and that Mary Baker Eddy interprets with spiritual clarification in our textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Young people up to the age of 20 may attend. Students experience love, joy and a safe and calm environment for all to learn. Parents listen to the Bible Lesson sermon in the church at the same time.
Oneness, unity and Love — it is palpable!

Call to Order
Subject of the Week's Bible Lesson
Golden Text and Responsive Readings
Silent Prayer
The Lord's Prayer
Instruction in Classes
Entire Sunday School Reassembles
"Scientific Statement of Being"
(From Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 468: 8-15)
Sunday School Dismissed
Summary found in the
Manual of The Mother Church
by Mary Baker Eddy